The two day program can be delivered either over two consecutive days or in two one-day sessions.
Competency Standard
This course is non-accredited and does not result in a unit of competency
Learning Outcomes
DAY ONE Introductions and expectations, effective communication, generational and gender differences. Transition to work life, building resilience, personal and workplace values, beliefs, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Financial literacy, understanding needs and wants, cashflow quadrant, Australian history and its financial implications on present day, savings, understanding superannuation, budgeting ( setting and achieving goals. DAY TWO suicide awareness and prevention. Self-care, mental health, alcohol and other drugs (AOD). Workplace rights, team building, conflict resolution and bullying.
Course Objectives
Life skills toolbox is a two day program that provides a practical and user-friendly resource on issues such as:
- budgeting and financial literacy
- communication and negotiation
- dealing with difficult behaviour
- drugs and alcohol
- goal setting and pathway planning
- mental health and self-care
- nutrition
- problem solving and decision making
- suicide awareness
- transition to work
- values and beliefs
- work/life balance
- workplace relations
- workplace rights and responsibilities
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