HomeCoursesInstall battery storage equipment power conversion equipment to grid (solar)
Install battery storage equipment power conversion equipment to grid (solar)
Competency Standard
UEERE0077 - Install battery storage equipment power conversion equipment to grid - OR - UEERE0078 - Install battery storage to power conversion equipment
UEEEL0012 Install low voltage wiring, appliances, switchgear and associated accessories
UEERE0054 Conduct site survey for grid-connected photovoltaic and battery storage systems
UEERE0055 Conduct site survey for off-grid photovoltaic/genset systems
Learning Outcomes
1. Plan for the installation of battery storage equipment PCE to grid
2. Install battery storage equipment PCE to grid
Course Objectives
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to install battery storage equipment power conversion equipment (PCE) to grid.
It includes working safely and to industry installation standards, placing and securing system components accurately, making required circuit connections and completing the necessary installation documentation.
The skills and knowledge described in this unit require a licence or permit to practice in the workplace where work is carried out on electrical installations, which are designed to operate at voltages greater than 50 volt (V) alternating current (a.c.) or 120 V direct current (d.c.).
Competency development activities in this unit are subject to regulations directly related to licensing. Where a licence or permit to practice is not held, a relevant contract of training, such as an Australian Apprenticeship, is required.
Additional and/or other conditions may apply in some jurisdictions subject to regulations related to electrical work. Practice in the workplace and during training is also subject to work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations.
Note: Those holding an Unrestricted Electrician�?�â??s Licence or equivalent issued in an Australian state or territory meet the prerequisite requirements of UEEEL0012 Install low voltage wiring, appliances, switchgear and associated accessories. All other prerequisite requirements must be met.